If you’ve been carrying the scars from childhood acne into adulthood, you don’t need to anymore.
If your wrinkle cream isn’t working for you, microneedling just might.
Microneedling is a technique that can improve the look and texture of your skin, and minimize acne scars and smooth out wrinkles with minimal pain and downtime.
Performed in the office, the skin is pierced with tiny needles which restore collagen to the skin.
Microneedling is for all ages, skin colors and types.
And an improvement is typically seen after just two or three quick treatments.
Call for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Fisher, a Chicago, Illinois Microneedling Specialist
If you would like to learn more about microneedling, call now to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Fisher at (847) 256-9400. We are conveniently located at 118 Skokie Blvd, Wilmette, Illinois.
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